| 27 May 2008 The 5th "Andrés Segovia" European Competition for Young Guitarists finished on Saturday, the 24th of May with the Award winners' concert. | |||||||||
The awards of The 5th "Andrés Segovia" European Competition for Young Guitarists are: I Category: First Prize: Lovro Peretic (Croatia) and Tuur Segers (Belgium) Second Prize: was not awarded Third Prize: Niels Pfeffer (Germany) Fourth Prize: Patrick Wolf (Germany) Fifth Prize: Sören Alexander Golz (Germany) Scholarships:
II Category: First Prize: Juraj Majstorovic (Croatia) and Samuel Toro Pérez (Austria) Second Prize: was not awarded Third Prize: Vilmos Haraszti (Hungary) Fourth Prize: Mariusz Kozlowski (Poland) Fifth Prize: Timotej Kosovinc Zupanèiè (Slovenia) and Jakob Schmidt (Germany) Scholarships:
III Category: First Prize: Ihar Dzedusenka (Belarus) Second Prize: Katarzyna Milczarek (Poland) Third Prize: Boadan Mihailescu (Romania) Fourth Prize: Sanel Redzic (Bosnia/Herzegovina) Fifth Prize: Jure Cerkovnik (Slovenia) Scholarships:
EGTA Award: Jakob Schmidt (Germany) |
The Winners of the 5th "Andrés Segovia" Competition for Young Guitarists
Sinaia International Guitar Festival's Awards
Anniversary edition:
25 years of guitar at Sinaia
The Sinaia Internationa Guitar Festival is one of the oldest guitar Festivals from Europe. For 25 years Sinaia hosted important names of guitar worldwide and became the core of Romanian classical guitar.
The XIIIth anniversary edition of Sinaia Festival was a remembrance of the old times of classical guitar in Romania, starting from Eduard Pamfil, Stefan Freischberger, Nicolae Epureanu, Adrian Ionescu, Simion Sihota, Ion Mihaescu, Constantin Mitulescu and Mihai Babii. Figures like Dumitru Capoianu, Liviu Georgescu, Constantin Andrei, Catalin Stefanescu Patrascu, Horia Sabin Dragoi, Eugen Mang, Constantin Stanciu, Corneliu George Voicescu, Ionut Dorobantu, Ionut Grigore, Gheorghe Petrovan, Ovidiu Atanasiu etc. were remembered with gratitude for their important contribution in founding and developing classical guitar school in Romania.
This anniversary edition was also a point of looking to the future of Romanian classical guitar, a brightly future with the help of the Romanian teachers and performers like Liviu Georgescu, Catalin Stefanescu Patrascu, Eugen Mang, Constantin Andrei, Aurelian Andrei, Maxim Belciug, Corneliu George Voicescu, Gheorghe Petrovan, George Mitrache, Victor Rosu, Ionel Tiganus, Ovidiu Atanasiu. From their masterful hands arised the young generation of guitar teachers and performers: Adrian Andrei, George Popescu, Mihai Cojocaru, Stan Zamfirescu, Ionut Zamfirescu, Georgeta Zamfirescu, Mircea Gogoncea, Teodora Zait, Ionut Dorobantu, Stefan Trifan, George Muntean, Istvan Beke, Andrei Turcu and many others.
During this edition of Sinaia Festival, Liviu Georgescu, the president of Romanian Guitar Foundation and the director of Sinaia International Guitar Festival, reunited a great part of these important classical guitar figures and created the context for all the guitar fans to spend a week of guitar in Sinaia.
During this week, we were enchanted by the guitar recitals of Carlo Marchione (Italy), Groningen Guitar Duo - Remco de Haan & Erik Westerhof (Holland), Gabriel Bianco (Frace), Mir Ali (U.S.A.), Ioana Gandabur (Canada), Georgeta, Stan and Ionut Zamfirescu (Romania).
The awards of Sinaia International Guitar Festival are as fallow:
D Category:
First Prize: Aleksander Wilgos (Grodzisk Maz, Polland)
Second Prize: Tudor Niculescu-Mizil (Bucharest, Romania)
Third Prize: Dimitris Dekavalas (London, England)
Stipendium - Transilvania International Guitar Festival: Cristina Ciortan and Bogdan Mihailescu (Bucharest, Romania)
F.R.C. Special Prize: Radu Valcu and Costin Soare (Bucharest, Romania)
C Category:
First Prize: Bogdan Mihailescu and Eduard Leata (Bucharest, Romania)
Second Prize: Andrei Serban Dragusanu (Bucharest, Romania)
Third Prize: was not awarded
F.R.C. Special Prize: Mihai Iancu Popescu (Drobeta Tr. Severin, Romania)
B Category:
First Prize: Sergiu Hudrea (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Second Prize: Iuliana Nitu (Bucharest, Romania) and Radu Ionescu (Craiova, Romania)
Third Prize: Patricia Nicula and Diana Moldovan (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
A Category:
First Prize: Alecu Ciapi (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Second Prize: Ioan Oprisan (Bucharest, Romania)
Third Prize: Bogdan Stefan Marin (Bucharest, Romania)
F.R.C. Special Prize: Alexandra Albeanu Craiova, Romania), Cristian Kaznovski (Bucharest, Romania) and Daniela Mihaela Costache (Focsani, Romania)