Cluj-Napoca 22-25 of November 2007, Fifth Edition
The TRANSILVANIA International Guitar Festival, organized by TRANSILVANIA Guitar Association, addresses to contestants of all ages and proposes to promote professionis instrumentalists and to stimulate young talents. Being on it's fifth edition, starting from this year the Festival will host a guitar chamber music contest. As part of the Festival will be present prominent figures of guitar.
The organizers offer the accommodation for all the participants at a student hostel, free of charge and for their companions the fee is 20 RON/night; depending on the available number of rooms, participants may be accommodated on a board and lodging for 12-16 euro/night. Meal expenses will be supported by the participants.
Festival's Guests

The old traditions of German and Italian culture, indissoluble connected with the guitar's history, honored the preceding edition of the Festival through the presence in recitals and in jury's staff of their famous representatives of modern guitar schools, Giovanni GRANO, Giampaolo BANDINI, Cesare CHIACHIARETTA from Italy and Ulrich MULLER from Germany.
The success of their recitals alongside Constantin Andrei and the warm and sincere friendship that bond us, reason us into inviting them to our Festival on one of the most hospitable and renowned stage in Cluj-Napoca.
They will be joined by sonorous names of European modern guitar, Gabriel BIANCO and Claire STANCU DELERUE from France.
Also, one of the Romanian classical guitar's infant prodigy, Mircea GOGONCEA will give a concert in the second evening of the Festival as laureate of the 2005 edition.
Among the guests of the festival are: Pavel Puscas, Constantin Andrei, Aurelian Andrei, Eugen Mang, Liviu Georgescu, Gyorgy Nemes, Constantin Dumitriu, George Muntean, Tudor Anghelescu and Stefan Trifan.
Contest's Regulations
* A Category up to 9 years old
* B Category from 10 to 12 years old
* C Category from 13 to 16 years old
* D Category without age limit2
1.1. For A Category the program will last3 maximum 10 minutes4 and will include at the most three works.
1.2. For B Category the program will last3 maximum 15 minutes4 and will include at the most three works.
1.3. For C Category the program will last3 maximum 20 minutes4 and will include at the most three works from at least two different stylistic periods.
1.4. For D Category without age limit, the contest will include two stages:
* the first stage has an eliminatory character; the program's duration will be of maximum 15 minutes and will include a preclassical and a classical work.
* for the second stage the program's duration will be of maximum 20 minutes and will include a romantic work, a modern or contemporary work and, optional, free program in the rest of time, except for the program presented in the first stage.
The prizes for this category are:
* First Prize: a classical guitar builded special for this event by Gyorgy Nemes, valued at 1500 Euro
* Second Prize: 400 Euro
* Third Prize: 250 Euro
2. The contest of guitar chamber music - duo, trio and quartet - includes two age categories:
* A-cm Category up to 14 years old
* B-cm Category without age limit
2.1 For the A-mc Category the program will last maximum 10 minutes and will include at the most two works. Only guitar formations are accepted.
2.2 For the B-mc Category the program will last maximum 15 minutes and will include at the most three works. Formations including at the most another instrument but classical guitar are accepted also.
3. The jury will be formed by important figures of classical guitar and will be presided by Ulrich Muller (Germany). The jury's resolutions are final. The sponsors and the organizers of the Festival may offer special prizes also.
4. The participation fee:
- Solo Classical Guitar Contest: 20 Euro6
- the Guitar Chamber Music Contest: 20 Euro / formation
- Master Class: 30 Euro / 2 meetings of 30 minutes
- Festival: 10 RON7
5. Any editions of the presented works are accepted; the candidate has to present the scores to the jury.
6. The registration form will be sent to TRANSILVANIA Guitar Association until Saturday, 10th of November 2007 to 400667, st. Bucegi, no. 11, ap. 39, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, through e-mail at our contact e-mails, or online in the Register Online section.
The Guitar Contest's Jury
Festival's Awards
- Category D, without age limit:
- First Prize: Gabor Podhorsky, Budapest, Ungaria
- Second Prize: Radu Valcu, Bucharest, Romania, prof. Liviu Georgescu
- Third Prize: Cristina Ciortan, Bucharest, Romania, prof. Liviu Georgescu
- Mentions:
- Mihaela Iordache, Bucharest, Romania, prof. Eugen Mang
- Ana Maria Iordache, Bucharest, Romania, prof. Eugen Mang
- Lucretia Gabroveanu, Bucharest, Romania, prof. Eugen Mang
- Bogdan Mihailescu, Bucharest, Romania, prof. Liviu Georgescu
- Andre Madeira, Portugal, prof. Roberto Aussel si Odair Assad - Category C, age 13 - 16
- First Prize: Eduard Leata, Pitesti, Romania, prof. Mara Badea
- Second Prize: Andrei Dragusanu, Bucharest, Romania, prof. Eugen Mang
Third Prize: Victor Caplescu, Turnu-Severin, Romania, prof. Victor Rosu - Mentions:
- Walter Michael Buchholtzer, Iasi, Romania, prof. Laurentiu Topala, Constantin Lazar si Eugen Mang
- Andrada Porumb, Baia-Mare, Romania, prof. Marinel Petreus si Eugen Mang
- Mihai Popescu, Turnu-Severin, Romania, prof. Victor Rosu
- Bogdan Costea, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, prof. George Muntean
- Octavia Saratean, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, prof. stefan Trifan
- Akram Yaseen, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, prof, stefan Trifan - TRANSILVANIA Guitar Association's Special Prize:
- Yordanov Plamen, Ruse, Bulgaria, prof. Anton Yovchev - Category B, age 10 - 12
- First Prize:
- Sergiu Hudrea, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, prof. stefan Trifan
- Victor Valisena, Padova, Italy, prof. Giovanni Grano - Second Prize:
- Roxana Borisova, Ruse, Bulgaria, prof. Ivan Kochev
- Nicula Patricia, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, prof. stefan Trifan - Third Prize: Radu Ionescu, Craiova, Romania, prof. George Mitrache
- Mentions:
- Iulia Farcane, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, prof. Ludovic Biro
- Iuliana Nitu, Bucharest, Romania, prof. Eugen Mang - Category A - up to 9 years old
- First Prize:
- Aleksandar Atanasov, Ruse, Bulgaria, prof. Georgi Todorov
- Alecu Ciapi, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, prof. stefan Trifan - Second Prize: Ioan Oprisan, Bucharest, Romania, prof. Eugen Mang
- Third Prize: Bogdan Marin, Bucharest, Romania, prof. George Popescu
- Category A Chamber Music - up to 15 years old
- First Prize: Iuliana Nitu, Ana Maria Iordache - Bucharest, Romania, prof. Eugen Mang
- Second Prize: Walter Michael Buchholtzer (Iasi), Andrada Porumb (Baia-Mare) - prof. Eugen Mang
- Third Prize: Alecu Ciapi, Cristian Cucuianu, Sergiu Hudrea - Cluj-Napoca, Romania, prof. Stefan Trifan
- Category B Chamber Music - without age limit
- First Prize: Andrei Dragusanu, Lucretia Gabroveanu - Bucharest, Romania, prof. Eugen Mang
- Second Prize: Dimcho Gaydarov, Ani Gaydarova - Ruse, Bulgaria, prof. Ivan Kochev
- Third Prize: Darius Micu, Gheorghita Damian, Laura Platon, Laura Neacsu - Cluj-Napoca, Romania, prof. Constantin Andrei
Mentions: Viorela Filimona, Valentin Constantin, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, prof. Constantin Andrei
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